Modernized freight and utility infrastructure
Missouri electric rates roughly 24% below average
Illinois served by deregulated electric markets
The St. Louis region’s infrastructure is advantageous for many reasons. Its roads and bridges are well maintained and suitable for heavy industry, freight transport and distribution. The region also enjoys an industrial heritage that offers access to established road, rail, river/barge, heavy power, steam and natural gas lines, as well as adaptively reusable buildings featuring cranes and other amenities that can accommodate heavy industrial uses at a less expensive price point than what would be required in a greenfield investment.
The St. Louis region also offers a surplus of competitively priced utilities for businesses with energy and utility needs of all kinds. The region is served by Ameren Corporation, an investor-owned electric and natural gas utility providing critical energy infrastructure to the bistate area, and by Spire, a natural gas company with five gas utilities, serving 1.7 million homes and businesses in Missouri, Alabama and Mississippi.
Ameren Corporation operates in the bi-state St. Louis region as Ameren Illinois and Ameren Missouri, with each company bringing unique competitive advantages to complement the region’s economic diversity.
Ameren Illinois
Ameren Illinois is the second largest electric, and third largest natural gas utility in the state, powering the quality of life for 334,900 natural gas and 347,700 electric customers in southwest Illinois. Over the last nine years, Ameren Illinois has advanced a $4 billion plan to build a next generation energy-delivery system designed to improve system efficiency, reliability and resiliency. Ameren Illinois electric and natural gas rates remain competitively priced and below the national average. In addition to infrastructure modernization, Ameren Illinois’ customers take advantage of deregulated electric markets to choose their energy supplier, and real-time pricing options customized around their own unique energy load profiles.
Ameren Missouri
Ameren Missouri, the state’s largest electric utility, serves approximately 720,000 electric customers throughout the St. Louis area. As a fully regulated utility, Ameren Missouri maintains a diverse portfolio of 10,000 MW of generating capacity to meet the needs of a growing customer base. With an average industrial rate of $0.0543/kWh, Ameren Missouri’s regulated rates are approximately 24 percent below the national average for similar industrial class customers (Source: EEI Typical Bills & Average Rate Report-Twelve Months Ending June 30, 2015, Edison Electric Institute). Its focus on delivering reliable electricity places Ameren Missouri among the top performing 25 percent of all U.S. utilities.
Ameren‘s team of economic development professionals work in alignment with local and regional partners to address the development needs of new and expanding customers. In coordination, the companies help customers meet rapid product cycle demands while supporting sustaining growth.
Spire (formerly known as Laclede Gas) is the primary provider of natural gas in Missouri. The company’s gas-related businesses include Spire Marketing, Spire STL Pipeline and Spire Storage. Spire has a robust capital expenditures program totaling $3.0B for FY21-FY25, focused on a 15+ year pipeline upgrade program for its gas utilities, and investments in new business. The company also is leveraging technology to drive innovation, improved service and overall stronger performance. This includes a multi-year project to upgrade and standardize its enterprise IT platform, while investing in new workload planning systems, advanced meter technology and customer service.
Ameren Corporation and Spire are both recognized for the reliability of their service in the bi-state St. Louis region.
Managing Rates & Future Utility Infrastructure Investment
In 2019 Missouri started the Economic Development Rider (EDR) originated from the 2018 “Grid Modernization Bill” (SB564) and reshaping the public utility landscape. The legislation provides rate cuts and caps, and more predictable rate increases, easing the way for utility infrastructure investments, and authorizing spending on utility-scale solar. The bill also includes economic development incentives to attract new businesses to the state and encourage existing companies to expand their operations. This program also allows businesses access to discounted electric rates if they expand their operations. For more information, please visit