This story was originally published in RE Journals on February 2, 2018.
By Dan Rafter | RE Journals
“What do Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Memphis and St. Louis have in common? These are the Midwest industrial markets that Colliers International has pegged as some of the most important ones in 2018.
The five cities made appearances on the Top 10 Emerging U.S. Industrial Markets to Watch in 2018 report compiled by Colliers. That’s pretty impressive. Half of this year’s list is made up of Midwest cities.
What makes these industrial markets ones to watch this year? Consider Cincinnati. Colliers says that this market has become a key destination for e-commerce users because of its central location, large workforce and strong transportation options. Colliers also points out that more than 35 million people live within 250 miles of Cincinnati, and nearly 20 percent of these are in the highly sought-after Millennial demographic…”
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